Friday, August 06, 2010

I want a Do-Over!!!

Well this year has been one that I wish I could have a do-over. My training is below where I expected as a result of giving more time to other priorities in my life and unfortunately, illness and accidents.

This has been a very busy year for me in terms of my future career. I finished my last semester for my Masters in Education degree which included 16 weeks of student teaching. In addition to student teaching, I managed to work part-time, attend a college class, teach Spinning and maintain my master instructor schedule. Therefore, little time to train.

Once May rolled around, my time freed up a little. It is hard to believe that I was “just” working a 40-hour job at that time. I thought I had the opportunity to ramp up my training. Unfortunately, the stress of the prior 16 weeks caught up to me. I had BPV (benign positional vertigo) which affected my balance and kept me off of my road bike. I was feeling better just in time for WSSC.

I managed to ride well and enjoyed the conference. The following week I started to feel a scratchy throat and sinus headache begin to rear its ugly head. I’m sure that being crammed on a small plane, exerting myself at the conference and hanging out with people from all over the planet exposed me to something. I couldn’t breathe without feeling like someone was sitting on my chest. It was ugly. I got so sick I had to stop all training for three weeks and cancel my participation in the 24 hour race I attempt to do each year.

So two months completely shot from my training schedule. Stuff happens. During July I started to get back into the training. I could feel myself getting stronger. I even participated in a race (not a good idea without a good base) and finished 11th in my age group despite limited training.

Then it happened again. At least this time I was doing something I enjoyed. I managed to put two gashes in the back of my leg while mountain biking. The gashes were deep enough to require stitches. I have no idea how I managed to put the chain ring into the back of my lower thigh, but it happened. The back of my leg looked like I was bitten by a shark (maybe a land shark – “Candygram”). Another two weeks off of training due to the location of the lacerations.

So here I sit in August and I’m rewriting my training plan for the rest of the riding season. That plan should take me close to the middle of November before it starts to get too cold and wet here in Northeast Ohio. I’ve learned to be flexible in my training and am pursuing other modalities that I may not have experienced had it not been for the rash of interruptions I’ve had during this training season.

I guess I’ll have to adopt a common phrase that is often said of our sports teams here in Cleveland. “Wait ‘till next year!!!”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Get on your bikes and ride!!!

As the weather changes, it means it is time to get out on your bikes and ride. Let the wind blow in your face and feel the road pass under your tires. Be free and take yourself down the road that is less traveled.

I hope to see you all out on the road this summer. I'm going crazy waiting to ride more than I can right now. Soon, very soon, I'll be competing in my 24 hour challenge. If the world were a perfect place, we all would have to ride bikes, our roads would be free of road rage and debris. But we have that added challenge to our rides. So be safe so I can see you all here in the future.

Monday, January 25, 2010


We all need balance in our lives. We need to balance work, family life, training, and a little time for ourselves. Unfortunately, we do not always think about how to keep this balance in check.

I'm a little out of balance right now. My work life is dominating everything else, but I know I can handle this for the next 12 weeks because I'm doing something I love. I've had to make some sacrifices but they will be worth it in the end.

Just as we plan our training schedules, so must we try to balance our life. I need to get a little more time for my training. I'll have to find that perfect balance and I need to plan when and how I'll get it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The weather isn't my friend

Well, today was supposed to be 50 degrees and windy. But the rain ruined my plans to get out and ride today. Not that I wouldn't ride in the rain, but with all of the salt and debris the rain washes into the roadway, it makes it difficult. Not to mention the time to clean off the bike after the ride.

So, it's time to dig out the trainer. Put in the miles there while I enjoy my favorite video or CD. If I get to the gym, then I ride a Spinner for an hour or so. Love to get my legs going for my training. Also need to spend some time reviewing my training plan and make sure I'm on track.

As someone who lives in Northeastern Ohio, I should be used to this type of weather and the resulting indoor training. But when the forecast calls for some nice days, all I want to do is get out and feel the wind in my face and watch the pavement pass under my bike. There is nothing like riding outdoors for me. The freedom to ride a machine where I am the engine is exhilarating.

I guess I'll just have to wait until Mother Nature allows me to get out and put some serious miles on my bike.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My First Ride of the Year

It was cold, snowing, the roads were icy, but I did it!!! I got out and rode on January 1, 2010. My first ever New Year's day ride. I went in the afternoon, did just four miles, and smiled the entire time.

It was a goal of mine, my own resolution, to begin my year on the bike. Thankfully the roads were not heav with vehicle traffic. I had such a blast as I rode by countless people shoveling their side walks and driveways. They would stop shoveling, thier mouths hanging wide open and shooting a strange look my way as if I were riding naked.

My wife called me insane, but aren't all of us crazy about our bikes?

I can't wait until my next winter ride!!!